5 Bitcoin Trading Mistakes You Should Avoid

5 Bitcoin Trading Mistakes You Should Avoid

Making Bitcoin trading can be very interesting, especially for those just starting their crypto journey.

Although trading Bitcoin or other crypto assets can offer many opportunities, it does not mean that Bitcoin trading can be done haphazardly.

Because no shortcut to mastering trading is always profitable every day, everything is a learning process that takes time.

During the process of learning to trade, of course, there are mistakes that you have to make. Among all trading mistakes, there are at least five trading mistakes that you should never make. What are they? Check out the following article.

Trading Crypto Without Understanding How It Works

We may all have a strong drive for immediate success, but jumping right into the unknown without trying to learn it can lead to unwanted results.

If you are planning to try bitcoin trading, you should do some research on Bitcoin yourself.

It would help if you learned how it works and how you can make it profitable. 

Remember, your BTC funds are at stake here, and no matter how small or large the amount, it still hurts to lose because Bitcoin trading is done carelessly.

Investing Huge Capital

Investing in bitcoin can provide promising returns if done right.

But it can also be complicated and risky if you don’t have the basic knowledge and the right way to earn an appropriate income from Bitcoin investments.

Because Bitcoin can be a very volatile asset, its price movements are unpredictable.

So, you should invest the cold money you have with an amount you are willing to lose if you experience a loss.

This means do not use savings or money for daily living needs and do not invest if you are in debt.

To help get an idea of ​​how much profit you can get from trading Bitcoin, you need to pay attention to the exchange rate of bitcoin.

Making Decisions Based on Emotions

The saying “never make decisions when you are emotional” is valid and can be applied in many aspects, including questions about Bitcoin trading.

Traders who use their emotions and aren’t realistic often place the wrong positions, making them lose and get frustrated.

Storing BTC Funds in Unqualified Wallets

Choosing a reliable digital wallet to store crypto funds is essential.

There are currently thousands of online BTC wallets available, but it is best to look for one that is well-known, reliable, and safe. 

A highly secure and reputable digital wallet can save you from worrying about hacking and other security issues.


Overtrading  is not a wise choice to make a lot of profit at once.

Experienced traders often pay attention to when prices usually go up or down, then decide to set a strategy.

Trading in moderation and done at the right time is wiser than excessive and careless trading.

That’s a list of the five most common trading mistakes you can avoid or minimize.

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