Bitcoin Set to Rise: Luke Gromen on US Debt, Inflation

Digital currencies like Bitcoin are growing popular among investors looking for an inflation hedge in a difficult macroeconomic climate. In a recent interview with cryptocurrency writer Natalie Brunell, seasoned investor Luke Gromen expressed optimism on Bitcoin given the state of the world economy. Gromen voiced his worries about the US national debt, which is getting close to $35 trillion. He thinks that the U.S. Federal Reserve (Fed) appears to have few choices to stop the continuous rise in inflation given the record-high levels of debt.

Luke Gromen’s Analysis

“This is a situation that will ultimately drive investors to seek refuge in valuable assets like Bitcoin to preserve their wealth,” Gromen stated. Moreover, Gromen contends that inflation and fiscal deficits are predicted to rise regardless of the Fed’s policy decisions, including raising or decreasing interest rates. He underlines that depreciating the currency, which would also lead to increased inflation, is the only way to escape the large deficit scenario. Gromen is certain that the circumstances are quite good for Bitcoin in light of these possibilities. “We are at a point where Bitcoin’s fundamentals are very strong, and there is still much room for growth given the ongoing skepticism and significant funds that have yet to be allocated to crypto assets,” he said.

Gromen thinks that deeper problems, including those with U.S. Treasuries, will spark more conversations that will ultimately bolster the value of Bitcoin as market perceptions surrounding Fed policies change. “Inflation is the result in all cases. This makes Bitcoin a very alluring choice for investors looking to hedge against inflation,” Gromen said.

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