Exclusive: Hackers Offer GPT-4 Access for Crypto Payments

In an exclusive development, a new innovation has emerged that allows access to the advanced gpt-4 artificial intelligence model, developed by openai. Until now, access to gpt-4 could only be obtained through a paid subscription to chatgpt plus for $20 per month. However, there is now an alternative way to access it.

A cryptocurrency enthusiast, mira hurley, has successfully developed a telegram bot that utilizes the openai gpt-4 api. The bot delivers a sophisticated chatgpt experience and allows users to pay per prompt with cryptocurrency. This also allows users to maintain their anonymity in transactions.

It should be noted that this project is still in early testing stages and has significant experimental elements. Users need to be aware that this telegram bot may present some technical obstacles.

However, what is interesting is that this bot is now publicly available, and anyone can try it out by using a telegram account. The process of using this bot is relatively easy. Users just need to send a message to the bot via telegram with the name ‘@chatgpt4_nano_bot’, or by

Visiting the link (‘https://t.Me/chatgpt4_nano_bot’)

In the use of the bot, users will encounter further instructions with the ‘/start’ command. This entire command is free of charge, as revealed by mira hurley.

One of the other interesting things is that users will have to deposit nano cryptocurrency (xno) through the ‘/saldo’ command to pay for the bot’s services. The gpt-4 tool uses nano as its unit of calculation to determine the price, which allows users to make deposits according to their needs and avoid major risks in this project. The nano network also offers extremely fast transaction confirmations, averaging less than 0.5 seconds, and does not charge additional fees.

Mira hurley revealed her reasons for choosing nano as the main cryptocurrency for the bot. “I chose nano mainly because it’s very easy to implement and very easy to pay for, no fees and instant transactions make testing very easy and I think provides a great user experience.”

Not only that, the bot also allows users to exchange other cryptocurrencies by using the integrated exchange service through the ‘/swap’ command. When tested by finbold, using the chatgpt-4 bot with payment in nano crypto resulted in a fee of 0.0756 xno (approximately $0.045) for a given request.

Although the project is still in the experimental stage, this innovation provides an interesting alternative for those who want to access the gpt-4 openai in a more flexible way, using cryptocurrency, and still maintaining anonymity. We must remain aware for further developments in this project.

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