FRIEND.TECH’s New Ownership Model via Web3


Offering its users a new ownership model, the social network FRIEND.TECH has announced a significant move in the world of technology. By providing users with equity ownership, FRIEND.TECH is changing the traditional paradigm and turning users into active platform investors through the use of Web3 technology. Thanks to this creative strategy, FRIEND.TECH customers can go from being consumers or content creators to part of something bigger: the firm as shareholders. As a result, FRIEND.TECH is more than simply a social media site; it’s also an investing community that helps users and the company grow closer.

Working with former shareholders, such as Paradigm, a reputable investment firm associated with Coinbase, is an important step in putting this new model into action. With Paradigm’s agreement to distribute shares among users, FRIEND.TECH will be positioned as a pioneer in the transition to a more user-focused and decentralized business model. Even though FRIEND.TECH saw tremendous initial growth in popularity, particularly following its August 10, 2023 launch, the platform has since encountered new difficulties. Concerns about privacy, especially with regard to possible user doxxing, have been expressed by the community. To allay these worries, FRIEND.TECH has responded by making it clear that the data deemed to have been exposed originated from their public API.

In spite of this, the platform’s popularity has been declining over the past several months, and its revenues have dropped significantly from over $1 million at the top of the previous year to less than $15,000. Nevertheless, FRIEND.TECH’s creative actions to democratize platform ownership and user interaction mark a shift in the industry’s focus, with an increased emphasis on equity, inclusivity, and participation. Therefore, FRIEND.TECH is more than just a social media platform; it’s a major turning point in the growth of digital society toward more widespread and long-lasting engagement.

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