How Bitcoin Mining Works

How Bitcoin Mining Works

For beginners, you may still be a little confused with the term mining or mining Bitcoin. It sounds strange how mining can be done on a computer machine.

But the fact is that cryptocurrency coins must be mined with particular hardware criteria.

This article can explain how Bitcoin mining works, which has been considered profitable.  

Miners Run Nodes

To understand how mining works, we can start with the process of Bitcoin miners who invest in specialized computer equipment to perform mining, usually requiring sophisticated equipment with access to low-cost energy sources. Then the miner will run the node by downloading the Bitcoin software and leaving it online all day long.

Nodes are computers that run Bitcoin software and keep Bitcoin running on the network. These nodes are used in mining to spread bitcoin transactions across the network.

Completing Bitcoin Transactions

Bitcoin miners will then be tasked with completing Bitcoin transactions that need to be verified and grouped, called blocks. Further blocks put together in sequence create a blockchain, like chain links. 

The difference here is that each block carries information about where the bitcoins came from and where they are headed in a transaction. 

Therefore, the integrity and verification of each block are as essential as the verification of any given block.

Hash Verification

Each block comes with cryptographic rules (complicated mathematical function) called a hash which miners have to verify. This rule also makes it difficult for anyone to manipulate or fraudulently add or remove blocks from the blockchain.

Hash is a mathematical function that generates a unique code snippet corresponding to a file. It cannot be duplicated but can be used to identify files, such as fingerprints. Hashes are used in bitcoin mining to ensure that blocks are not manipulated, and the transaction chain is accurate.

Bitcoin miners compete to solve challenging math functions to guess this hash and process bitcoin transactions.

Miners Earn Bitcoins

Next, Bitcoin miners need to solve these math problems quickly because the first miners to prove they have done the “job” of solving complex equations get the right to process the latest block of Bitcoin transactions.

Successful miners also receive bitcoins as rewards and transaction fees. In June 2022, successful miners will get 6.25 bitcoins as a reward.

Once a miner has successfully verified a new block of transactions, the block is distributed to all other miners and devices with a full copy of the Bitcoin blockchain.

Many computers worldwide store identical copies of the blockchain, ensuring the creation and maintenance of a trusted and verified history that is nearly impossible to hack or alter.

Bitcoin Mining Difficulty and Luck

Many mining nodes are competing for Bitcoin rewards. It’s all down to luck and based on how big your computing device is.

The higher the specifications and Hash rate issued, the greater the chance of getting rewards faster.

This reward is not always obtained because it is divided into several years with a smaller value.

The difficulty level in mining Bitcoin is getting higher; it takes an average of 10 minutes to process a block.

This time is required to develop Bitcoin to a total of 21 million coins.

The total value of the coins is expected to be reached in 2140; this calculation uses the current top hardware.

So, it is no different from gold miners. The more heavy equipment provided, the faster the gold will be removed from the ground.

Coin mining development projects can be worth millions of dollars; for a small Bitcoin mining device. This figure is based on the difficulty level of mining bitcoin, which is getting higher daily. Before making a mining device, calculate the difficulty level, then prepare the machine.

Is Mining Still Possible?

Mining is still possible, but because Bitcoin is getting more popular and limited, the mining process is getting more difficult. But for those interested in trying mining, please pay attention to the risks so that mining and the funds spent are not in vain.

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