Strategies for Looking for a Good Blockchain Game

Strategies for Looking for a Good Blockchain Game

Blockchain gaming is currently booming; this game that uses blockchain can not only provide an exciting gaming experience but can also bring in money.

Various blockchain games can make players earn extra income, including Axie Infinity, GameFi, CryptoZoon, PolkaMonster, Dragonslayer, X World Games, MoBoX, Farmers World, Gala, and Cropbyte. Mir4, Plants vs Undead, and so on. 

There is a strategy needed so that players can choose the suitable match and can be additional land to earn income.

Here are various strategies for choosing a game project to avoid getting lost in selecting a project.

This strategy comes from the Blockchain gamer who earns $ 1000 per day, namely Boniface Enjang Noveryanto or fondly called “Ebon”.

Strategies to Profit from Blockchain Games

  • See the amount of crypto token supply from the game.
  • Read the whitepaper to explain the in-game economic system and how to monetize it.
  • The flow of earning tokens or profit rewards.
  • Enter the global and local Telegram community of the game.
  • Discuss with the developer or game party (if possible).
  • Read the Roadmap or future project plans.
  • Ensure whether CertiK has audited it.

Please note that in crypto games, there are several ways to earn. Some have to be played; some can be left behind, such as staking or farming

This aspect is crucial because it is included in time management so that playing games can be effective.

Advice for Beginners Playing Blockchain Games

Don’t FOMO, don’t trust FUD easily. Spend time rummaging (searching for information) on Google, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and more.

Find as much information as possible. Strengthen your knowledge and prepare your mind. 

Cold Capital

– Prepare cold capital (willing to lose) and don’t expect $ 1000 capital to increase to $ 1 million in 1 night.

Very unlikely, That’s not how crypto moves. Even though anything is possible in the crypto world,” he said. 


They must be sure of their own decisions so that there are no regrets in the future. Let alone blaming others for FOMO. 

It can be seen that his story can be a guide and also an inspiration for investors who want to explore GameFi or even crypto. 

Everyone has the opportunity to get the same thing as Ebon; it’s just a matter of determination, ability, and enthusiasm to learn to become a reliable crypto investor, especially in blockchain gaming.

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