Survey Proves That Crypto Gets People Excited for Sports

A survey from FitRated, a sports and healthy lifestyle company, states that crypto is the best motivation for sports today. 

More than 80% of individuals who took the survey would be more motivated to exercise if rewarded in crypto.

Crypto Motivates People To Sport Activity

The survey found that 40% of participants said they were willing to cancel their subscription at their gym to move to a gym in the metaverse. 

In addition, 81% of all respondents stated that they would be more motivated to exercise if rewarded in crypto. 

Previously, a study by the American National Bureau of Economic Research concluded that money alone is not enough to keep people motivated to exercise. 

But this finding was proven wrong by research from FitRated, which found that 63% of respondents agreed crypto is one of the main incentives to exercise if formed as a reward. 

This statement refers to the Move to Earn phenomenon currently circulating in the crypto world. 

83% of participants said they are happy with the Move to Earn phenomenon where they can exercise to earn crypto. 

Most respondents responded differently when asked what type of sport they would like to do to earn crypto. 

49.1% answered that they like walking, followed by cycling and swimming.  The sport that was least in demand in the survey was HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, where individuals move to perform several sports movements in a short time with high intensity. 

Majority Want Bitcoin Rewards

When asked what crypto they want to be rewarded for when they exercise, there are three leading cryptos. 

These three cryptos are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin, which are three cryptos that have been quite popular since 2021. 

72% of respondents said they want Bitcoin as a reward for exercising. 

Ethereum follows Bitcoin with 35.5% interest and Dogecoin at 34.6%. Respondents may choose more than one, which causes the percentage of respondents’ answers to exceed 100%.  

The Move to Earn phenomenon is still increasing, with most existing crypto-related decentralized applications running for rewards. 

According to data from Coinmarketcap, currently, the highest position in the move to Earn category is occupied by STEPN with its token, GMT. 

STEPN is a project that rewards users in tokens, namely Green Satoshi Tokens or GST, which can be exchanged for both tickets, namely GMT. 

To get these rewards, users only need to walk but have to buy NFT shoes which are required to track the user’s steps. 

The second is Genopets, a project combining Move to Earn and GameFi

This project is almost similar to the Pokemon GO game, where many people moved to catch Pokemon through smartphone cameras in the real world.  Move to Earn currently only has a market cap of around $1 Billion, so it’s still relatively small. But with more and more sports companies coming in, this phenomenon will likely become a significant phenomenon in the crypto world.

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