Worst Cryptocurrencies of 2021: A Retrospective Review

The Worst Crypto in 2021

2021 is a pretty impressive year for crypto due to a significant price appreciation..

Most cryptos with fairly good fundamentals seem to experience a significant appreciation of up to thousands of cents.

Unfortunately, there are cryptos with fundamentals but experiencing significant price declines in 2021.

This article will discuss the five cryptos with the worst price movements in 2021.

Bitcoin SV (BSV)

The first was Bitcoin SV which emerged from the Hard Fork to provide a purer version of Bitcoin.

The founder of Bitcoin SV stated that Bitcoin is currently out of its primary purpose, which is to be a transaction tool.

According to him, the number of updates and new integrations makes Bitcoin out of its primary purpose, namely as a transaction system.

For that reason, a technology company called nChain created Bitcoin SV to “purify” Bitcoin again.

Unfortunately, the plan is less attractive to most investors because the development of the crypto world makes this goal too narrow.

Despite some backers, Bitcoin SV is still experiencing a significant correction, around 20% more than in early January 2021.

Despite the downward move, Bitcoin SV itself is still alive, and the project is still not abandoned by its creators. The last significant positive Bitcoin SV news was the opportunity to become a validator.

Unfortunately, this news follows the latest bad news in August 2021 regarding the 51% attack on the entire Bitcoin SV network.

It seems that in 2022 Bitcoin SV will be one of the projects that will fade, especially the lack of updates from the network.


Next is the Nem Blockchain with its coin XEM which is experiencing a significant correction in 2021.

Nem Blockchain is a blockchain focused on being a platform for data exchange for individuals and businesses.

The network can be dedicated for private and public use and can also be used to transfer funds.

In early 2021, Nem Blockchain was experiencing relatively high notoriety due to its significant adoption and continuous network updates.

Please note that until now, Nem Blockchain is still active in the project and is still active in social media regarding publications.

Unfortunately, from the middle to the end of 2021, Nem Blockchain does not have the latest positive news that is significant enough to increase its interest.

In addition, Nem already has many rivals who appear to have faster adoption than it does.

The driver of the price drop is also likely to be an innovation, namely the launch of Symbol (XYM) in the Nem ecosystem.

This is the cause of the price drop. The focus may have now been changed from XEM to XYM by the Symbol and Nem ecosystem. This condition has made XEM down more than 29% from early January 2021 to the present. The correction is one of the biggest in 2021.

Flow (FLOW)

Flow is a Blockchain that focuses on being a data repository and Non-Fungible Token or NFT-based projects.

Flow is one of the cryptos that has good fundamentals but a significant price decline in 2021.

Flow has a reasonably good ecosystem and wide adoption, such as with Warner Music, Ubisoft, NBA, and UFC.

For now, the Flow project is still active due to a large number of NFTs traded with a significant volume.

Unfortunately, publications regarding network updates and new adoption partners appear to be lacking, which may be a factor in the decline in interest in the coin.

In addition, there are many competitors in the field of NFT-based blockchain. With the lack of publicity of Flow to investors, the competitive value of Flow coins continues to decline.

But the good news is that fundamentally, Flow still looks quite positive as it still has a dynamic team to develop its blockchain.

So even though in 2021 it does not experience a significant appreciation and is currently in the early January 2021 price area, Flow still has potential in 2022.

Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

Next is Bitcoin Cash, whose coin is BCH, which has been swayed by negative and positive sentiments strong in 2021.

Bitcoin Cash is one blockchain resulting from a Hard Fork by the Bitcoin Blockchain.

The goal is to provide a better solution than Bitcoin so that blockchain adoption can spread to the general public.

Crypto, founded in 2017, emerged due to debates in the early crypto era, as many felt there was a substantial lack of Bitcoin technology.

The drawback is the problem of scalability or the ability to increase transaction speed in the future.

Bitcoin Cash is still active and has a significant network of users, including ecosystem and adoption.

Unfortunately, in 2021 Bitcoin Cash is experiencing a lot of negative sentiment around it, one of which is the amount of fake news.

One fake news that seems to be spreading is news of the adoption of Bitcoin Cash by Walmart and Kroeger.

After this news circulated, Bitcoin Cash underwent a significant correction, which brought it to a price around January 2021.

Most likely, in 2022, BCH still has hope, but if adoption is wider and blockchain development continues.

Internet Computer Protocol (ICP)

Lastly is the Internet Computer Protocol, a complex project that will emerge with its technology in 2021.

Internet Computer Protocol is a crypto project that wants to be a replacement for the internet so that everything can move on the “new” decentralized internet..

Founded by Dominic Williams, ICP wants to be an alternative and even a replacement for today’s internet systems which are still often vulnerable to data manipulation.

This goal is carried out by establishing a blockchain-based internet so that internet users have their own identities whose data is safe from theft or manipulation of the storage party.

In 2021, ICP was experiencing reasonably high notoriety in terms of adoption as a result of its continuous technological development.

Its blockchain mechanism is also one of its attractions that draws a lot of attention to it.

The ICP blockchain is a blockchain with technology created by Dominic Williams, so there is no other crypto or blockchain that has the exact mechanism.

ICP, also crypto, deliberately experienced a price decline in 2021 due to the roadmap or plan.

This project has a roadmap far enough to be around 20 years or more for adoption to occur in the long term.

Unfortunately, one of the plans in the roadmap is to lower the ICP value to make the price more likely to move positively in the long term.

In its roadmap, in the first five years after 2021, ICP will focus on publications and adoption cooperation to expand the ecosystem.

After 20 Years, ICP plans to become an internet competitor, and its new coin ICP will increase in price.

For now, the team is deliberately lowering the price so that the adoption of ICP can also be done more efficiently without expensive costs.

This explains why the price dropped by 95% in 2021. But fundamentally this coin is still feasible for investors who are willing and patient for long-term investments even more than 20 years.

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